You would probably do anything to protect your business in which you have invested so much time, passion and finances. If the time has come to install a security system for your business in Florida, here are some things to keep in mind.
You need to have the Cameras Installed by a Licensed Contractor

There are many security systems available that you can order online and install yourself, Right! If we are talking about your Home. If you're also monitoring the system yourself, this shouldn't be any problem. However, if a security company will be monitoring or servicing your system, you need to get a licensed contractor to install the system for you. Additionally, if you're getting a security system to monitor your business, Florida law requires you to have it installed by a licensed contractor.
Florida law protects you by requiring contractors to complete continuing education courses and carry liability and property insurance coverage. Licensed contractors also undergo thorough background checks.
Visible In The Line Of Sight
Generally, Florida doesn't restrict security cameras as long as you provide notice of their existence and keep them out of places where people have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
In addition to avoiding private places, Florida law recognizes that people have the right to know when they're being filmed. Accordingly, you should place the cameras where they can clearly and obviously be seen by anyone who enters your property.
Conspicuous Notice
If your camera isn’t easily visible or hidden, there should be a sign stating that the area is under video surveillance. You can always ask your Security Cameras Licensed Installer to add the signs to your quote.
There are more security camera laws in Florida than the ones we just highlighted. Before establishing a security system, there are numerous subcategories to consider.
Before installing your security system, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions.
We hope this clarifies who can install security surveillance for a business in Florida and whether or not a license is required to install security cameras in Florida.
To learn more, receive assistance, or to get a quote, please email us at visit our website at or call (888) 424-8439 today!
*iView Security provides information on our website, blog, and live chat assistance as a courtesy to our customers and other website visitors, subject to the terms and conditions of our website. While the content on this website is about data networking and electrical matters, it is not expert advice, and any reliance on such material is at your own risk.
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